What is the 7 principles of interior design?

The seven principles of interior design ideas are fundamental guidelines that interior designers use to create harmonious and well-balanced spaces. These principles are essential for achieving a successful and aesthetically pleasing interior. Here they are:

  1. Balance: Balance refers to the distribution of visual weight in a room. There are three types of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial. Symmetrical balance involves placing identical elements on either side of a central point, while asymmetrical balance involves using different elements that have equal visual weight. Radial balance is achieved by arranging elements around a central focal point. A balanced interior design ensures that no single area feels heavy or overpowering.
  2. Rhythm: Rhythm creates a sense of movement and flow throughout a space. There are two types of rhythm: repetition and progression. Repetition involves using the same design elements or patterns multiple times, while progression involves gradually changing these elements. Rhythm adds