Tag Archives: Hassle

Expert Suggestions To Make Home Improvement Less Hassle

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Home improvement is not just for dedicated enthusiasts. Any homeowner can increase the value and appeal of his or her home with some simple projects. Home improvement projects are easy to complete when you research them ahead of time and prepare yourself well. Here are some great ideas for doing home improvement work without the hassle:

Make sure you have weather stripping around all of your doors and windows. This helps you with multiple problems. It keeps air from leaking out keeping your house cooler or warmer when you’re running your A/C or heat. It can also keep little critters from finding their way in. It’s also good if you’re in an area that floods a lot, to keep water from seeping in.

Protect yourself when you change the blades in your utility knife. While changing the blade, wrap tape around the old blade before tossing it in the trash. …